Reaching Out from a Mind as Dirty as All Outdoors

If you get lucky enough, I might post adult-only material from time to time, so be 18 or over, or please be elsewhere.

I'll be discussing erotica here, the writing of it and the people who write it, as well as what we've written. I find all these aspects stimulating, but if any of them bore you, feel free to skim. You never know what you might miss, though.

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Interview with Dr. Dick, Part 2

I'm on the air again! (So to speak.) The second part of my interview with Dr. Dick is now online. As I recall, I said a great deal about writing and publishing and the community of readers and writers. Some of it may, in fact, be rather silly, so go listen before I hear it myself and realize what I should have said instead. Or shouldn't have said at all.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Podcast with Dr. Dick--Want to Hear Me?

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