Reaching Out from a Mind as Dirty as All Outdoors

If you get lucky enough, I might post adult-only material from time to time, so be 18 or over, or please be elsewhere.

I'll be discussing erotica here, the writing of it and the people who write it, as well as what we've written. I find all these aspects stimulating, but if any of them bore you, feel free to skim. You never know what you might miss, though.

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Another New CFS, for Lesbian Historical Romance

Through the Hourglass: Lesbian Historical Romance (working title)
Publisher: The Liz McMullen Show Publications
Editors: Sacchi Green and Patty G. Henderson
Deadline: May 31, 2015
Publication: Fall of 2015
Preferred Length: 3000-5000 words
Payment: $30 plus two paperback copies
Rights: The Liz McMullen Show Publications requires the right to publish the original story in the above-mentioned anthology, in print, digital and audible forms, exclusively for one year after publication (exceptions made for “year’s best” anthologies) and non-exclusively thereafter. The author retains copyright.

We have always been here, in every era and every area of society, even though we’ve been all but invisible in recorded history. Now is your chance to use your imagination, research a period of history that intrigues you, and tell us fictional stories about the lesbian women who came before us. From the 1500s to the mid-1900s, from the late Renaissance and Elizabethan times to World Wars I and II, give us characters true to their times, and true to themselves, not modern people inserted into the past. Draw us into a time and place, its customs, inhibitions, aspirations, and patterns of thought and speech, and into the lives of fully developed, complex characters.

Show us intense relationships and emotional bonds. Some degree of erotic tension is acceptable, but this is not a place for outright erotica. Happy endings are welcome if they seem plausible, and so are heart-rending encounters fated to live on only in memory. Diversity of culture will be appreciated. We want variety in scenarios and time periods, so feel free to contact us to see whether we seem to be getting too much from any era or setting, or with any other queries.

Original, unpublished stories only. Multiple submissions are okay, but no simultaneous submissions.

In keeping with our theme of lesbians throughout history, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charity that assists senior lesbians.

Submit your stories in .doc or .docx to

You can also query me at      


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